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Club Transportation Information

Students interested in participating in clubs may be picked up by a guardian or ride the activity bus home. Students who catch the elementary bus home are expected to have a signed bus pass from their club advisor and sit in the front of the bus. Clubs meet after school and finish at approximately 3:00.

Art Club

Meets Thursdays in Room 405

Miss Charity hosts the Art Club in room 405 on Thursdays after school. Students have a chance to create projects and build community. Art Club is welcome to any type of artist and materials are provided. Students interested in Art Club need to sign up in the Art Room. Art Club is an ASB Club, students who attend Art Club must have an ASB card. 

Chess Club

Meets 2nd & 4th Monday in room 301

Ms. Quinn hosts Chess Club every Monday after school in her classroom. If you are new to the game or a Chess master already, there is a place for you in Chess Club! All students are welcome!!!

Crochet Club

Meets Mondays in room 202Ms. Kaur hosts Crochet Club in her classroom after school. This is a chance to build your crochet skill set or an opportunity to pick up a new hobby, learn a new skill. Bring the projects you have completed or are already working on to share with the group! Please bring a signed note verifying you can stay after for club.

D&D/Board Game Club

Meets Tuesdays in room 507

Mr. Whitley hosts Dungeon & Dragon’s Club with a mix of board games every Tuesday in his classroom after school. This is an opportunity for students to play Dungeon & Dragons or pull out any number of other board games to play with classmates!

Green Thumb Club - CANCELED UNTIL SPRING 2025

Meets Wednesdays in Room 205

Ms. Lee hosts Green Thumb Club for young gardeners in Room 205 on Wednesdays. Each week we’ll do projects to learn about taking care of seeds, plants, and pollinators. No experience is necessary, but be prepared to get your hands dirty! Green Thumb Club is an ASB Club, students who attend this club must have an ASB card. 


Meets Mondays in room 307

Mx. Stevens hosts the GSA Club in room 307 after school every Wednesday. This club aims to create a safe environment and to achieve understanding of the LGBTQ community. GSA is welcome to all! 

Pokémon Club

Meets 1st & 3rd Monday in room 307

Mr. Stott is hosting a Pokémon card trading club. Come learn how to battle cards or show off your collection. Don't know how to battle your cards? No problem! Don't have any cards? No problem! All experience levels are welcome and we look forward to seeing you there.