Land Acknowledgement
sʔəshikʷtxʷ tə swatixʷtəd
ʔəshigʷədəxʷ čəɬ čəɬa ʔəshikʷtxʷəxʷ tiʔiɬ səsq’ʷučəɬ ʔal tə swatixʷtəd ʔə tiʔiɬ stuləkʷabš ʔe tiʔiɬ sduhubš ʔə tiʔiɬ dxʷl̕iləpabš. ʔal ti swatixʷt̕əd tiʔiɬ ƛ̕udəxʷəsɬaɬaɬlils tul’ʔal kʷədiʔ tuhaʔkʷ. didiʔɫ ʔa həlgʷəʔ ʔal tiʔəʔ sləx̌il gʷəčadəs ƛ’usyayu(s)s gʷəl ƛ’usƛ’ax̌ʷads tiʔiɫ wiw̓sus gʷəl ƛ̕ustix̌dxʷs tiʔił ʔiišəds. ƛ’ubəʔalalus gʷəl ƛ’ubədxʷləšucidəb x̌ʷul’ab ʔə tiʔiɬ tuyəl’yəlabs əlgʷəʔ.
g ʷəswəliʔiləxʷ tiʔəʔ wiw̓sučəɬ ʔə ti dəxʷyayusalikʷs gʷəl kʷaxʷadəxʷ ti ʔalʔaltəds iʔ kʷi ʔihišəds. q̓ʷʔutəbəxʷ čəɬ ɬuhuyalikʷəɬi tiʔəʔ ʔiɬhaʔɬ swatixʷtəd dxʷʔal ti wiw̓sučəɬ.
Acknowledging the Land
We honor and respect that we gather on the ancestral lands of the Stillaguamish people and the Snohomish people, and their successors, the Tulalip Tribes. This is the land where they have lived since time immemorial. They are still here today where they work, raise their children, and care for their community. They continue to practice their traditions and speak the Lushootseed language just as their ancestors did.
May each of our children find their place and contribute to their communities and families. Together we will make this a better world for our children.
There are 13 different tribes in the Puget Sound region in Washington state that speak Lushootseed. In our region, the Sauk-Suiattle, Skagit, Stillaguamish and Snohomish people have traditionally spoken Northern Lushootseed. The Snoqualmie, Duwamish, Muckleshoot, Nisqually, and Suquamish people have traditionally spoken Southern Lushootseed.